Established in 1999. The Confessional Lutheran Church in Latvia has pastors who were either trained in the ELS Seminary or in Concordia, St. Louis, and the Latvian University, Faculty of Theology.
The headquarters of the Confessional Lutheran Church in Latvia are located in Riga.
Church Body Statistics
National Pastors: 6
Current Church Body President: Gundars Bakulis (serving since 1999)
Contact Information
Rev. Ugis Sildegs
Rev. Ilars Plume
The Confessional Lutheran Church of Latvia (CLCL) grew from the efforts of ELS professors who presented lectures on theology in Riga beginning with the 1990. Some who attended the lectures became committed to confessional Lutheran theology. The Augsburg Institute was founded to further the cause, teaching, writing, translating confessional literature etc.
Although the Augsburg Institute no longer exists and the educational work is more focused on our own people, the mission work is still going on and currently a theological education program for pastors has also been started in our church, which includes four theological students by now.
In total, the Latvian Confessional Lutheran Church has about 350 parishioners and 5 congregations, which are led by 6 pastors under the leadership of superintendent Gundars Bākulis. The congregations own two church buildings, one residential house converted for the needs of the church, one congregation rents premises, and one is a home congregation.
Together with our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world, we are not alone and confidently continue to believe and teach the saving message of the God.
Online Resources and Websites
Augsburg Creed Lutheran Church of Kekava website:
Augsburg Creed Lutheran Church of Kekava Facebook:
Augsburg Creed Lutheran Church of Kekava Audio Sermons:
Ozolnieku Lutheran Church:
Latvian Lutheran Seminary
Rev. Ugis Sildegs
Rev. Ilars Plume
Literary Publications