To our Brothers and Sisters in the CELC,
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).
It is a pleasure for me to inform our brothers and sisters of the CELC about the 94th synod convention of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Freikirche. God willing, it will take place from June 10–12, 2022, in Chemnitz, Germany. Vice president Rev. Jörg Kubitschek (Saalfeld) will present the synodical essay. His paper will focus on “The relevance of a Lutheran Confessional Church in a pluralistic environment.”
In 2022 our synod looks back on a history of 145 years under God’s blessings. It was founded by the first conventions in 1876 and 1877. Our first president came out of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. His name was Friedrich Ruhland. He was born in Germany, but left his homeland for confessional reasons. In 1873 he accepted a call to St. Johns in Planitz and Trinity in Dresden.
The time when the ELFK was founded seems to be quite similar to our time today. From its beginning, the ELFK stood faithfully on the inspired Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions in a pluralistic environment. But it is alone God’s grace and work. May he continue to give us strength and power to hold on to his Word and the Lutheran Confessions. May he give us faithful called ministers in the future and may our congregations continue on this way on earth to our heavenly home. For this reason we come together for our 94th synod convention in 2022.
May God be with you and bless your work in his kingdom.
Your brother in Christ,
Rev. Michael Herbst
ELFK President