International pastors and missionaries at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in the US
Summer Quarter 2024 was held June 17–28 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS) in Mequon, Wisconsin USA. Fifteen courses were offered, and 55 pastors attended. Eleven of those pastors were international pastors or missionaries living overseas. They joined us from Latin America, the United Kingdom, Latvia, India, Thailand, and Hong Kong.
The international pastors attended for both weeks and took two courses each week. They brought unique perspectives to classroom discussions, shared their stories, and served as reminders that God’s kingdom is global. A highlight was two evening mission presentations about the work of God’s kingdom in Asia.
An evening presentation in the chapel
The international pastors indicated that the courses, the daily chapel services, and the fellowship time were a blessing and encouragement to them. In addition to gaining knowledge, they made new friends and learned new ways of teaching.
WLS is tasked with training pastors for service in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). The seminary also partners with pastors for their spiritual and professional growth by offering resources, courses, and events that encourage and equip them. Through the efforts of the Grow in Grace office, WLS offers courses that are part of a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) degree program. Pastors may take courses for credit without entering the program; in the last few years about 200 pastors have done that. Pastors may also choose to pursue the STM degree; currently about 40 pastors are in the program.
A Summer Quarter class at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Credits can be earned in a variety of ways, including face-to-face courses and online courses. In odd-numbered years, face-to-face courses are offered in the districts of WELS. In even-numbered years, face-to-face courses are offered on the campus of WLS at a two-week event called Summer Quarter.
The next WLS Summer Quarter is scheduled for June 15–26, 2026. We are hoping there will be a strong international presence again.
Submitted by Prof. Bradley Wordell, WLS Director of Grow in Grace