On Friday, January 31, 2025, theological educators of the CELC held an online conference hosted by GTEC—the Global Theological Education Commission. The conference was held from 6:00-8:00 am CDT, which put it in the afternoon in Europe and Africa, and in the evening in eastern Asia.
About forty educators participated, representing about twenty different countries and church bodies. For the major portion of the meeting, participants were divided into five subgroups depending on their area of expertise—Church History, New Testament, Old Testament, Practical Theology, and Doctrinal Theology.
The purpose of the meeting was to connect theological educators from around the world with others in the CELC who are doing the same thing in order to provide mutual support, growth, and encouragement. Each breakout group, led by a GTEC member, discussed topics pertaining to their area of expertise.
The feedback received from participants will be considered by GTEC as it considers future events. It seems that participants appreciated the chance to interact with confessional Lutherans from around the world to discuss the blessed work of theological education together.
Submitted by Prof. Bradley Wordell, Chairman of GTEC